Imagine being told that your world of colour was going to be dark in a few years, that you were slowly going blind.

That was the heart-wrenching diagnosis for Year 10 student, Mitchell Wilkes, right on Christmas in 2021. Mitchell’s mum noticed he wasn’t reading properly and had a gut feeling that there was something wrong with his eyesight. A trip to the optometrist revealed a thinning in the retina, and further tests showed that Mitchell had a genetic condition called Stargardt Disease, a juvenile macular degeneration illness that results in slow central vision loss.

“It didn’t really have a big impact on me,” said Mitchell stoically. My parents were much more upset than me; I just rolled with it.”
— Mitchell Wilkes

Since then, Mitchell has lost a considerable amount of vision. He had 6/16 when he was first diagnosed and now sits at 6/60. There is a possibility that he could go completely blind by the age of 30, but if he’s lucky, he might retain some peripheral vision. He currently needs to look above a person’s head to see their face. He also adjusts the way he looks at everything to ensure objects are not in his blind spot. However, the details of objects tend to be blurry.

“The School and staff have been really supportive of my learning,” said Mitchell gratefully.

“Mr Ron Robinson and the IT department have put a lot of things into place to make it easier for me, providing me with a more powerful laptop, better access to devices and assistance with exams. I’ve also received great support from the Head of Department for Diverse Learners, Ms Amanda Gibson.”

“I have one classroom that has special equipment where the other students join me. All my classes except science and music are held in this room.”

Mitchell uses the default magnifier on his laptop and has a special iPad that zooms into the whiteboard at the front of the class. His teachers always check in to ensure he’s coping with the material. They also provide extra support when required, ensuring Mitchell has larger resized documents and worksheets. It’s these little things that have made the challenges at school much easier to cope with.

The default magnifier on Mitchell's laptop allows him to see material.

“The biggest challenge for me is mobility; crashing into things and not being able to recognise people until they’re really close to me, that’s really annoying,” said Mitchell.

“But I’ve got great friends here at TGS, and all the boys understand and work around my condition. They’re really good about it.”

Mitchell says his other senses have become heightened to compensate for the loss of his vision. His excellent hearing and exceptional memory are both particularly useful for his co-curricular activities. Mitchell is an avid musician, runner and mountain biker.

“I’m very slow and cautious on new mountain bike trails. I map them out carefully then memorise it so I can ride them normally next time,” said Mitchell confidently.

“My good hearing provides me with an alert system; I can hear other riders braking, which lets me know something is ahead. I love the challenge of mountain biking, going fast and free.”

Mitchell also loves running; he takes every opportunity to experience the sense of freedom it brings him. He trains five to six days a week for the TGS cross country team. He’ll walk the course beforehand, memorising the track to ensure he can confidently run it without tripping. Mitchell has also had huge success in aquathlon events thanks to the help of his guide runner, fellow TGS student, Alby Galbraith.

“I’m so grateful for his support,” said Mitchell.

“There is a 50cm tether between us. We run arm-in-arm, and Alby guides me. We won the multiclass division at both the state championship in Hervey Bay and the nationals in Perth in March,” Mitchell explained.

“It was a huge achievement, and I don’t think I could have done it without Alby.”

Mitchell and his guide Alby competing tethered together.

Mitchell’s great memory also serves him well in his musical endeavours. He plays the saxophone for the TGS Concert/ Show Band, sings in the Choir and the Grammarphones and also plays piano. The music staff have been extremely supportive of Mitchell’s challenges. They cut the music into very magnified chunks, which he scrolls through with a foot pedal when learning the track. After he has quickly memorised the music, he can play the piece without a score.

“I love to just sit and play music,” said Mitchell.

“I really enjoy it, and it just relaxes me. I’m so appreciative of the support and guidance of all the music staff at TGS.”

With only two years left at the School, Mitchell is already thinking about his future. He would like to be a drone pilot and study podiatry at university. With all his strength and determination, there is no doubt he’ll achieve his goals.

“My blindness is just part of me. I won’t let it stop me,” said the determined young man.

“From what I’ve dealt with, it’s way easier to take any challenges as they come and let them add to you rather than hinder your growth.”


Continuing with his great running form, Mitchell has won gold at the Queensland Cross Country State Championships in the Under 15 multiclass category at Bald Hills in Brisbane on Saturday, 13 July. It sees him now travel to the National titles at Yarra Glen near Melbourne where he'll compete from 20 to 23 August 2024. We continue to wish him all the very best!

Mitchell will race at Yarra Glen next month, carrying over his good form from this weekend.
Mitchell will represent Queensland after winning his multiclass race in Brisbane.

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