
Thursday, 16 May 2024

Bucolic beginnings, boarding and becoming a bowel surgeon

Coming from a cattle property near Injune I was in awe of the School’s ovals with lush, green grass and immaculate facilities. I found being able to throw yourself around and not risk skin cuts and grazes quite novel. Sharing the same field where many Old Boys and past heroes trotted was inspirational. I found the comradery among the boarders my most overwhelming memory. It was like having 60 brothers with similar interests all living under the same roof. There was always someone around to kick…

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Wednesday, 08 May 2024

Our Other Mother

Meet Ms Janelle Fletcher, the House Mum of Corfe, whose journey at TGS began back in 1992 as an instrumental music teacher. Her story is one of deep connections, love for the arts and an unshakeable bond with the students of TGS. From the time that Janelle first stepped onto campus and shared her musical talents with young minds to now creating her own “mum moments” in Corfe — she has nurtured a profound sense of community and established connections that have lasted through generations. Her…

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Thursday, 21 Mar 2024

Boarding - Building Men of Good Character

Over the past five years, we have found one of the most valuable lessons that boarding can teach teenage boys is the ability to self-navigate and overcome challenges. Entering a boarding house is the first time many boarders have stepped away from the comfort and security of their parents and guardians. Although this can be a daunting experience, one of the things that this unfamiliarity creates is the ability to organise yourself. With a larger workload than previous years, a greater number…

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Thursday, 25 Jan 2024

Coping with Homesickness

Homesickness can be brutal for both your son and for parents. As a parent it can feel like your heart is being ripped out in some cases daily. It is extremely hard hearing how sad your boy may sound on the phone, and then you are left reeling for 24 hours until the next call – you are often left worried that they are feeling like this all day. Rest assured only vary rare cases are that bad and in most cases it’s temporary and things usually improve as your son settles in. The reality is that…

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Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023

Country Roads Take Me Home

Toowoomba Grammar School boarding provides the ideal living environment for our boys while they develop the values that will define their character. Throughout the course of this year, I have been privileged to visit many of the towns and properties that our TGS boarders call home. When walking around those towns wearing a shirt with a TGS crest, it doesn’t take long to meet an Old Boy or to be asked about one of the boarders currently at the School. Our boarding staff pride themselves on…

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Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023

TGS Corfe House - A Home for Young Boarders

In Toowoomba Grammar School’s Boarding Program, Years 5 to 7 students reside at Corfe House – a nurturing environment providing close pastoral support and guidance to the School’s youngest boarders. The skills, relationships and perspectives that boys develop here set them up for the rest of their boarding and school journey. Toowoomba Grammar School understands the challenges for young students transitioning into boarding. Leading the way in creating a ‘home away from home’ is the Corfe House…

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Monday, 13 Nov 2023

Boarding Families - Surviving Homesickness

Homesickness can be brutal for both the child and their parents. As a parent it can feel like your heart is being ripped out in some cases daily. It is extremely hard hearing how sad your boy may sound on the phone, and then you are left reeling for 24hrs until the next call, you are often left worried that they are feeling like this ALL DAY. Rest assured only vary rare cases are that bad, they usually improve as they settle in, and it is temporary. The reality is that most boys tend to save…

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Monday, 13 Nov 2023

Helpful Tips for New Boarding Parents

Name absolutely everything! Socks, undies, phone chargers, water bottles, caps. EVERYTHING!! Make sure you name items with Boy’s name & House number; most parents will put their senior house number if printing the tags so they don’t have to rename items when they move the following year (Corfe House doesn’t have a house number). Some boys find a double bed doona is a better option than single doona as it hangs down the sides of the bed a little more to keep them warmer in winter. An…

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Thursday, 02 Nov 2023

Building the Boarding Experience - at Home

Family connections is a vital aspect of our Toowoomba Grammar School boarding program that we hold close to our heart. Our Heads of House regularly make the effort to visit our boarding families so they have a better understanding of our boarders' lives, the challenges and experiences, and staff always enjoy the warmth and hospitality provided by families. Head of Corfe House, Henry White and his wife, Samantha recently spent a weekend with the Acton family on Dalgonally Station near Julia…

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