Old Boys

Old Boys
Thursday, 11 July 2024

Correcting our School's official record commemorating World War I and World War II

On the eve of our 150th year, we're calling on the School's alumni, parents, past parents and greater community to aid us in correcting the record of our involvement in two watershed geopolitical events of the 20th century. For the last four years Toowoomba Grammar School Museum Volunteers, Mrs Ann Hallam and Mrs Sue Palmer, have been updating the School records on Old Boys, staff and Trustees for the World War I and World War II theatres of war. Over the years several staff and volunteers have…

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Thursday, 16 May 2024

Bucolic beginnings, boarding and becoming a bowel surgeon

Coming from a cattle property near Injune I was in awe of the School’s ovals with lush, green grass and immaculate facilities. I found being able to throw yourself around and not risk skin cuts and grazes quite novel. Sharing the same field where many Old Boys and past heroes trotted was inspirational. I found the comradery among the boarders my most overwhelming memory. It was like having 60 brothers with similar interests all living under the same roof. There was always someone around to kick…

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The Arts
Wednesday, 01 May 2024

Fostering a creative generation and getting exhibited at GoMA

2023 Visual Arts student Ben Rosenberg (TGS 2019-2023) had his film “Mitchell” selected and it's now on display as part of the 2024 Creative Generation Excellence Awards in Visual Art at GoMA. For 30 years the Awards have recognised and promoted excellence in senior visual art education throughout Queensland schools. Secondary schools typically enter the work of up to four Senior students. Previous winners from TGS include Sam McCosker (2013) and Austin Reed (2017). Ben is a filmmaker and…

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Old Boys
Wednesday, 24 Apr 2024

In memory of Light Horse Field Ambulances

Toowoomba Grammar School would like to acknowledge our admiration for the loyalty, service and bravery exhibited by TGS Old Boys who so valiantly served. We are all the beneficiaries of their sacrifice, and their selfless actions continue to inspire a spirit of service amongst our current students. Today we focus on the contribution of one TGS Old Boy who made a significant contribution to World War I. Here is some of the incredible story of Major Avery, DSO and if you visit the School Museum…

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Old Boys
Thursday, 11 Jan 2024

What Old Boys Have Contributed to TGS Over Time

The Old Boys’ Association has played an integral role in the history and tradition of Toowoomba Grammar School. It was formed on December 29, 1888, when 25 Toowoomba Grammar School Old Boys met at Long’s Imperial Hotel to create a new society. The Toowoomba Grammar School Old Boys’ Association rules were drawn up, and office-bearers elected. The inaugural president was Mr Joesph Vincent Herbert Esq. (TGS 1877-80) From there, the TGSOBA has grown significantly, ensuring that the Blue and Gold…

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Old Boys
Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023

Our TGS Old Boys' Wall of Achievement

The next time you visit the School grounds, pause for a moment at the Toowoomba Grammar School Old Boys' Wall of Achievement. This concept was the initiative of the then Deputy Headmaster, Mr Roger Buttenshaw, and was supported by the Board of Trustees, Headmasters Mr Hugh Rose and Mr Peter Hauser, and the TGSOBA - Toowoomba Grammar School Old Boys' Association. The opening of the Wall of Achievement took place in 2003. Thousands of TGS Old Boys have gone on to lead productive and valuable…

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Old Boys
Thursday, 06 July 2023

Blue and Gold in the Blood

When Chris Wicks’ (1981-85) son Lachlan was just two days old, Chris proudly strolled across the road from St Vincent’s maternity ward, over Trustees’ Oval and down to the Toowoomba Grammar School office to enrol his firstborn. “I had such fond memories from the School and enjoyed all the opportunities available, particularly participating in sport and learning at such a high level; my sons were going to have the same great education,” said Chris adamantly. Chris was a boarder from Dalby and an…

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Old Boys
Wednesday, 24 May 2023

That Life-changing Moment

Many of us dream of that lucky break that will change the course of our life; a financial windfall, meeting the love of your life, landing that dream job… Waverley Stanley’s lucky break came when he was in Year 7 in 1979. His teacher, Mrs Rosemary Bishop saw his potential. She believed this young indigenous boy from Murgon had something special to offer the world and she fought to put him on the path to greatness. Mrs Bishop contacted the then Headmaster of Toowoomba Grammar School, Mr William…

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Old Boys
Wednesday, 26 Apr 2023

A Trailblazer for Multicultural Australia

Wellington Lee has been described as a trailblazer for multicultural Australia. He was born in 1925 and attended TGS from 1940-42 before serving with the RAAF during WWII from 1943-46 and the Active Reserve of Officers from 1953-83. Mr Lee was a remarkable man of good character who lived in an exciting time of growth and change during Australia’s, and particularly Victoria’s history; the early days in Melbourne when 10% of their population was a thriving Asian community. It was also a…

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